About Us

At Easter 2009, Kev's beloved Carla passed away. On 1st June 2010 Kev Bellion, Steve Warner and Lee Connolly will attempt to cycle approx 1000 miles from Lands End to John O'Groats in just 11 days. The ride is dedicated to Carla's memory. The lads will try and raise as much money as possible for The Liverpool Womens Palliative Care Unit. To DONATE CLICK THE DONATE BUTTON

Saturday 3 April 2010

OMG I'm so unfit

So both you boys will be pleased to know that I (Lee), despite hideous rain and wind, made my way this morning to the meeting point for Dulwich Paragon's Saturday morning ride. I got there to only find 3 other riders (these rides usually attract around 50 which gives you some idea how bad the weather was) and they looked like their minds were already made up...there's no way we are going out in that weather........however 3 other riders turned up and just as everyone was looking forward to saying let's not bother.....the clouds temporarily showed a bit of blue.....so we set off. Now what usually happens I'm told is that the group splits into 3 groups, fast, intermediate and steady...but because there were 7 riders only we stayed together.....and therefore an intermediate to fast pace was set.....OMG, how unfit am I. As soon as we hit the first climb I was left behind, really really easily....but they waited for me at the top (good bunch of lads). I kept up on the flats, was a little way behind on steady inclines and left for dead on any climb of note...but they always waited. This continued for the next two and a half hours....them waiting for me to catch up once they reached the top of a climb. Having said all that they did say that for my first time out with a group I'd done well to stay with them. It was a good feeling to be out with other riders and I now understand especially on flats how much easier it is....when I say easier I by no means mean easy, because the ride wasn't that for me. So to conclude I did 7 miles either side of the ride and the ride was about 35 (I forget to set my cateye) It was good fun, despite the weather and I'll be back next week to try and keep up, but it'll be a while before I fly up the hills the way they do. Happy days.

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