About Us

At Easter 2009, Kev's beloved Carla passed away. On 1st June 2010 Kev Bellion, Steve Warner and Lee Connolly will attempt to cycle approx 1000 miles from Lands End to John O'Groats in just 11 days. The ride is dedicated to Carla's memory. The lads will try and raise as much money as possible for The Liverpool Womens Palliative Care Unit. To DONATE CLICK THE DONATE BUTTON

Monday 3 May 2010

Media Training Not Required. Kev the Pro

Today Kev and I went out to do a longish ride. The intention was a ride of 70 miles plus. However, the first thing that struck us was how cold it was, finger numbingly temperatures!!!! The rain clouds also gathered around us and there were a few threats of a downpour. So we opted for a shorter ride of 50 odd miles. Whilst we were out Kev got a call from his mate Gareth and was told that Radio Merseyside would be interested in our ride and Kev's story. It was great news and another way of publicising the charity. Then I took a call at about 4pm from Kev who was preparing for an interview to go out live at 5.40pm!!!!!!
His interview was excellent, calm, collected and managing to get in so many details in about 5 minutes of chat. You did us proud buddy!!!
To listen paste into your address bar - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p007jxbz, then scroll to 53 minutes and about 20 seconds. The interview was today (3.5.10) and will stay on the site for 7 days.
Nice one Kev. This was good practice for TV - Granada Reports etc.....
You have a great radio face mate, not sure if TV audiences are ready for you.

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