About Us

At Easter 2009, Kev's beloved Carla passed away. On 1st June 2010 Kev Bellion, Steve Warner and Lee Connolly will attempt to cycle approx 1000 miles from Lands End to John O'Groats in just 11 days. The ride is dedicated to Carla's memory. The lads will try and raise as much money as possible for The Liverpool Womens Palliative Care Unit. To DONATE CLICK THE DONATE BUTTON

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Oh what a lovely day, apart from the hangover

Never go for a ride with a hangover...not sure who said that but they are rght.

So I got out this morning with Mr Peter Ratcliffe, a friend of mine from the deep south. We actually went out for dinner last night with El and Lotte (Pete's partner) and probably had too much to drink, well we did, well I did...and I paid for it. I'd like to think that the reason Pete had to keep waiting for me was because I was tired from last weeks work load but in reality work can't really be blamed considering I mostly sit on my arse..........and it was my legs not capable of pedaling rather than my arse. Anyway about 35 miles done with a hangover, not good enough, I know this. My dad has even just called me to say the same thing....like thanks dad.....so I need to do better, go further, ride longer........and stop drinking the night before.

Out at Last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The thaw happened and we (Kev and Steve) got out for a while today. A really tough ride with slight crosswinds on the way out. Think it was tough because of the inactivity regarding riding during the big freeze. Got another 40 mile in (actually 40.02) and thought that we were doing okay until I got home and looked up a club we were in the cafe stop with (West Pennine). These blokes had ridden out from Rochdale, while Kev and I were spitting distance from home. If the weather holds up it's going to have to be more miles next week, a bigger ride with some decent climbs too. Will have to up the average speeds too, don't think Team Sky will be looking over their shoulders at the moment.
Wonder if the Opera Impresario got out for a ride today? Taking it that London has experienced a thaw too.
A week on the treadmill for me (feeling like a hamster in its wheel) and Kev should get out for some runs if the weather stays decent.