About Us

At Easter 2009, Kev's beloved Carla passed away. On 1st June 2010 Kev Bellion, Steve Warner and Lee Connolly will attempt to cycle approx 1000 miles from Lands End to John O'Groats in just 11 days. The ride is dedicated to Carla's memory. The lads will try and raise as much money as possible for The Liverpool Womens Palliative Care Unit. To DONATE CLICK THE DONATE BUTTON

Friday 12 February 2010


To Donate to THE CARLA MAGUIRE PALLIATIVE CARE UNIT Just click on the Donate button below

Wednesday 10 February 2010


Steve and I (Kev) had a nice early start Saturday Morning (6th) so we could get back for the Derby. Great result, sorry Steve! We did a quick 27 miles, with Hunters Hill thrown in for good measure, I think Steve got us both lost, searching for Hunters Hill, he has an excuse though, thick *og (sorry about the F in Fog!!)

Didn't want to get up too early Sunday, Steve was going out with Matty`s Club they were on the road for 9am. I did a solo 46 miles, wanted to get my first 50 miler into the legs, but a really bad back put paid to that, I was in that much pain I couldn't even manage another 4 miles. Going to have to change the way I ride I think! Must get advise.

I must get out with the Club more often, Its pretty boring riding on you own, no one to push you and no slip stream to hide in when your knackered lol

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Heavily dependent on Calories

Well Lee, this cycling asks lots of questions and puts many strains on the body. Proper eating is essential and frequent refuelling during the longer rides should include energy bars (or malt loaf, Jelly Babies a banana etc...), two water bottles (bidons to continue your French theme) and then there's the importance of carrying cash for a cafe stop. If you want advice of which cakes to select then call me, after all I am our rides 'fat' cyclist. Just ask your dad, who has taken on the role of being my dietitian in our preparations!

Take the other Saturday, Kev had a total hunger knock after about 1.5 hours of riding. I had to give him my energy bar, which he immediately shoved whole, into his mouth. Looking back I got an image of a rabid dog, with bits of power bar sticking out on either side. Twenty minutes later he was ordering up a selection of sugar hit deserts in the cafe.

Was disappointed to find that you had told your TV buddies (Davina, Fern and David Walliams to name but a few) about good bikes for their Sports Relief end to end challenge. At least you only put them onto my Winter training machine!

Are we sure we are doing the right thing?

So I (Lee) went out again this weekend on my lonesome. Yes Billy no mates, but I did run into some guys from Dulwhich Paragon and so I'm going to take the plunge this Saturday and meet up with the 60 or so riders for my first group outing.....baby dependent of course.

This weekend I made the mistake of thinking I would go a long way from home therefore making sure that the return journey would build up the miles. So I headed out of London and into Kent, through lots of little villages, past a bloke with I shot JR on his T shirt before finally coming to rest at a little cafe called Rendevous.....surely I haven't crossed the channel and therefore in France but no I was still in Kent on a wet Sunday. 1/2 hour later I'm making my way back when I realise perhaps I should have taken something to eat. 3 hours into the ride and I'm a goner. I can hardly peddle. Idiot or what, even after I've been told the importance of fuel all I've had is a little snack bar and some water. The last few miles were torture, so lesson learned for next week when I'm out with the proper cyclists.

Sunday 7 February 2010

Weather has allowed back to back ride weekend up North

Afraid I opted for (not demoted to, may I add) the B riders route today. Went out with a totally different bunch of lads from H Middleton CC than on the Chipping run the other week. Great bunch of lads again today and a superb route (Thanks for leading it Mike and Steve Diesel). Was a bit lumpy and tough in parts and managed to step the average speed up a bit (despite the climbs). It's amazing how many riders I saw out today, several clubs and lots of small groups. Weather was a bit chilly and patches of fog at the start of the ride, but it warmed up and cleared. There were several very interesting bikes parked outside the cafe today, collectors items, some sort of vintage bike club. Either that or the service was so slow that they had been waiting there for over 100 years! Will post the old bike pics on once I have taken them off my phone. Pleased to clock 50.6 miles (note the 0.6 Lee) and a most enjoyable ride.
Went out with Kev for a swift 25 yesterday, 'pea souper' and so bad in places that I took a few wrong turnings due to the poor visibility (that's my excuse anyway). I actually had my first spill climbing Hunters Hill (it was not as a result of exhastion, although I was zig zagging a bit), hit a patch of ice and my front wheel went for pies. Managed to get my feet out and save my bike getting scuffed, but laddered my tights. Now I know how frustrating it must be for women. We stepped on it coming bak so we could get back for the Derby. Don't know why we bothered!!!! Once Fellaini was kicked off the park we lost our control of midfield and never really got going again. I reckon the Fat Spanish Waiter will keep his job, which is good news for us blues. Long may Rafa reign!