Fair play Lee. Great effort today!
I will stop emailling my training spreadsheet to you, it's making you as paraniod as when my Australian girlfriend was stalking you.
It's still far too bad to get out on the roads here. London gritters must work longer hours than up here (mind you, your council tax bill is higher).
Kev's climbing the walls, itching to get some training in and I have been spinning endlessly on the turbo trainer, without getting anywhere far. I'm beginning to feel like a hamster in a wheel. Plus the neighbours will start to complain soon with the noise the fan is creating. I should think about connecting the flywheel up to some sort of generator, I could power up the whole cul de sac. I'm off to spin some more now that I have found out that you are catching up.
Hurry up and thaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha charlie thinks thats you!