Steve and I (Kev) had a nice early start Saturday Morning (6th) so we could get back for the Derby. Great result, sorry Steve! We did a quick 27 miles, with Hunters Hill thrown in for good measure, I think Steve got us both lost, searching for Hunters Hill, he has an excuse though, thick *og (sorry about the F in Fog!!)
Didn't want to get up too early Sunday, Steve was going out with Matty`s Club they were on the road for 9am. I did a solo 46 miles, wanted to get my first 50 miler into the legs, but a really bad back put paid to that, I was in that much pain I couldn't even manage another 4 miles. Going to have to change the way I ride I think! Must get advise.
I must get out with the Club more often, Its pretty boring riding on you own, no one to push you and no slip stream to hide in when your knackered lol
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