This morning was the first that I (Steve) have not headed out with a real nip in the air. In fact, I soon realised that I had too many layers on (honest Lee, I'm no longer fat!!!). A super turn out at the shop, about 30 odd riders. We split into A and B groups, with the B group having about 20 odd riders riding over the moss towards Southport on quite a windy day. Great to see Kev out with the club. It's only his second ride with the group and he really looked comfortable all day, even when the pace was stepped up (20 - 23 mph)on the coast road heading towards Banks.
Clocked about 35 miles at the cafe stop and an averae of 16.7, all good for our end to end challenge, which is creeping ever so close now.
Stuffed ourselves with cakes at the cafe, where the A group joined us.
Kev and I hung back and decided to do our own thing for a bit to get more miles in, ending up clocking 56 miles.
Called in at Steve B's (support driver and Kev's brother) place on the way back, who took a few staged shots of us riding past (sad I know).
The warmer weather is around the corner and that bodes well for stepping up the training in the next few weeks.
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