Tuesday's club Chainey, DEFINITION a relatively short, but high intensity ride whereby riders hang on until they can hang on no more, was my (Steve) second one with H Middleton CC and I think it's 12 years since I last rode in one. But for Kev this was his first. So as the group of about 18 set off at a brisk pace, I positioned myself towards the rear, chewing a few wheels (drafting). The tempo increased and at one stage through Eccleston a speed camera when off displaying 25mph and a smiley face, should have been a grimace! I looked out to see where Kev was and couldn't spot him, so I assumed that he had turned off, with the pace being too keen for his liking. Then a moment later I caught a fleeting glimpse of a Cervello white top. He was tapping out a furious pace on the front!!!!! Was he feeling good? Did his order of EPO arrive through the post before the ride? Or was it a case of his being naive? Whichever it was, it was impressive stuff. His 'L' plates are certainly off and I have banned him from using the word novice from now on.
The pace picked up yet again after we arrowed through Croston Village and the through and off began. Great buzz, hammer down and maintaining a superb pace. Then it happened! Heading through Holmswood after Rufford the through and off began to take its toll and Kev's earlier exertions began to show. I had missed a few turns and was hanging on. But Kev shot out the back and despite my efforts to ride him back on towards Martin Mere, he had blown a gasket. We rode together for the last few miles and kept a reasonable pace up. Can't give the exact stats for the ride, as I never reset my Cateye until three miles or so into the ride. But it read something like 34miles covered and an average speed of 22. something mph. Our End to End Challenge begins 5 weeks today. At these kinds of average speeds we will be finished in a few days!! Unfortunately, not all of the UK is flat.
Hats off to Mr Bellion tonight, impressive stuff.
well done kev keep up all the hard work..hope the hills dont get ya... take it easy m8 ..roy the tyre...