I (Kev) went into Ormskirk this morning to go to the Bank and as I locked the car a lovely lady on crutches came over to me and asked if she could sponsor our ride.The kind lady had seen the charity on the car and said that she had heard me on the radio.
She wanted to put some money into my bucket. I explained that I didn't have a bucket for her donation, so I gave her a Blog card and told her about our Blog and about the link to our Just Giving site. With help from her Daughter, she said she would be happy to sponsor us through Just Giving. I told her about Carla and she then shook me by the hand and said "you are doing an amazing thing"
I asked the lovely Lady for her name, unfortunately I didn't write it down, so typical me, memory like sieve I forgot it! If that nice lady reads this, I am very sorry for forgetting your name.
Bless you.
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