So yes I disappeared for a few hours, or was it days? Anyway I'm (Lee) back from my ride to Brighton. When I say Brighton I actually mean East Grinstead because that was where I ended up after getting lost somewhere in Surrey. Still I'd clocked 35 miles by the time I had arrived and had a snack in a road side cafe that was like going back to 1979. I say 1979 because that was when the Conservatives last played on the failure of Labour to get into power. which was on my mind whilst I was sitting in the cafe....... Anyway I don't want to use this blog to complain about how the Conservatives back in '79 created a Britain of selfish individualists, but for reporting on my semi successful ride to sunny, yet windy East Grinstead. I set off at 11:30AM and made steady progress until I hit a mother of a hill in a little town called Black Rock (It wasn't called Black Rock but it should have been)...I turned a corner and hit the hill to find a boy, all of about 12 on a BMX starting the climb...so obviously I passed him on my speedy machine....the thing was he didn't take too kindly to such a move and by God he chased me up that mother of a hill and stayed on my tail for about a mile before we hit the real steep bit just at the top. Now I'd like say that I was never in danger of being caught but I was, and I had to dig deep to stay ahead of the whipper snapper to make sure I didn't have a Bad Day at Black Rock......really he was all of 12, on a BMX, and there was me looking the part with all my gear, but riding like a fat middle aged man....errr, yeah well...yes......anyway to cut a long ride short by the time I got home I'd clocked 70 miles. Not the 100 I hoped to achieve but not too bad........happy days.
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