How wrong was I (Lee). I was knocked off really , but I escaped with minor cuts and a bruised knee, at least it was the good knee and not the bad one, thank the Lord for small mercies...and for the car behind breaking in time to avoid my strewn body and bike......this is the first time I've had that feeling when you are falling from a bike with your feet locked into the pedals. Very scary. I was trying to sneak through the traffic on the inside because the cars were at a very slow, traffic jam style, pace. But as I was passing one particular car it got too close to the kerb and so bumped me slightly. My balance left me and I feel behind the car and in front of the oncoming one, which thankfully braked.
Anyway I got up and dusted myself down and did the....get back on the bike straight away thing......and did just shy of 50 miles. Hope you guys got out on such a lovely day. Happy days.
Now you have to shave or wax those legs. Road rash is hellish with hairy legs mate.