What a cracker, Lee fell off his bike. I (Steve) reckon that the driver was totally distracted by his iffy looking legs. (get them shaved mate). Hence he was clipped and went down. How's the bike Lee?
No seriously, I do hope you are okay.
We (Kev and I) went out with the clubs 'B' ride. There's nothing B about it at the moment as we were absolutely flying when we were not stopping for the four members, yes four, who punctured. It was a flat route with the intention of bumping up the average speed. That we did and I clocked pushing for 19mph average, then on the warm down to home it was about 18.3 average. We will get the end to end done in 7 days a that sort of pace. Unfortunately, our route is far from flat. It was great to get out without oversocks and lots of layers today, although leg warmers were kept on as the sun refused to come out. There were over 20 in the group and although we lost a few, I counted about 20 on the run home (see pic). Not a bad week with a few shorter rides logged too. Tuesday is the clubs first Chain Gang and more of the high intensity stuff. Looking forward to it already.
p.s. Lee, and Kev for that matter, get the legs sorted out. I don't want showing up come June 1st.
Pics show me, trying to look the part. Annette puncturing (background) and the group putting the hammer down yet again.
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